Sunday, 7 July 2013

OpenERP Change Port , OpenERP Host Multiple Instances on single server

If you want to host multiple instances of OpenERP on a single server then follow the following steps (I ASSUME THAT YOU ARE RUNNING ONE INSTANCE OF OPENERP AND HAVE THE INSTALLATION COMPLETED ) 

  1. Just create a new user name and group of the system for the sake of convenience and less chance of missing any feature by the following command

adduser --system --home=/opt/openerpins2 --group openerpins2

2.      Create a new user for postgresql so that the databases from the other instance not pops on the other instance by the following command

su – postgres  --- this will log you to the postgres

createuser --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt openerpins2   ----- this will create a new user in the postgres

3.  Then in the next step go to the bash of the new system user say openerpins2 with the following command
su – openerpins2 -s /bin/bash
Don’t panic if this does not logs you to the / opt/openerpins2 folder if it does not manually go to the folder copy and extract a fresh copy of OpenERP 6.1 server
tar –cvf openerp6.1.tar
4.      Then assign a ownership of the openerpins2 folder to new user openerpins2

chown -R openerpins2: *

5.  Then change the following lines in the server part
1.  /opt/openerpins2/server/openerp/service/
The last line of the file as “int(tools.config.get('netrpc_port', 8070)))” to “int(tools.config.get('netrpc_port', 8050)))”

2.  And in /opt/openerpins2/server/openerp/tools/
1.  group.add_option("--xmlrpc-port", dest="xmlrpc_port", my_default=8069,------- to ---------- group.add_option("--xmlrpc-port", dest="xmlrpc_port", my_default=8059,
2.  group.add_option("--xmlrpcs-port", dest="xmlrpcs_port", my_default=8071,  ----- to ---- group.add_option("--xmlrpcs-port", dest="xmlrpcs_port", my_default=8061,
3.  group.add_option("--netrpc-port", dest="netrpc_port", my_default=8070, ----- TO ------ group.add_option("--netrpc-port", dest="netrpc_port", my_default=8060,

6.  Finally check the running version of the both by
1.  su – openerpins2 -s /bin/bash
This will show that openerp is running and waiting for connection


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